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There are some good books written about intercultural worship music! They are listed on this page. 



A most practical guide for the context in which we are working! In this amazing book Josh and Nikki show a surprising view on cultural diversity, applied to the specific setting of worshipping God in a church full of intercultural relationships. They also provide in a practical overview of liturgical possibilities in shaping an intercultural meeting. Recommended!

Nikki Lerner, Josh Davis
Abingdon Press (April 21, 2015)

This book offers theological reflection, case studies, practical tools, and audiovisual resources to help the global church appreciate and generate culturally appropriate arts in worship and witness. Drawing on the expertise and experience of over one hundred writers from twenty countries, the volume integrates insights from the fields of ethnomusicology, biblical research, worship studies, missiology, and the arts.
This book is the first in a two-volume set on the principles and practices of ethnodoxology. The second volume is entitled Creating Local Arts Together.

James R. Krabill

The second volume of ‘Worship and Mission for the Global Church’, guides the practitioner through a detailed seven-step process of assisting a local community’s efforts at integrating its arts with the values and purposes of God’s kingdom.
This manual is the second book in a two-volume set on the principles and practices of ethnodoxology. The first volume, entitled Worship and Mission for the Global Church: An Ethnodoxology Handbook, presents in textbook format the central “Foundations,” “Stories,” and “Tools” designed to equip readers in exploring more fully this important new field of research and ministry.

James R. Krabill

Sandra Maria Van Opstal
IVP Books (December 3, 2015)